- The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines assert that COVID-19 can be spread via small droplets and aerosols.
- These virus containing aerosols can linger in the air for several hours.
- Proper air exchange and ventilation can shorten this time interval 10 times.
- Aranet4 is the perfect device for monitoring the air exchange rate. It warns when the air quality has become unhealthy and you should take care of the airflow in your restaurant.
- Additionally air quality readings can be displayed on TV screens, so that the staff and customers can know they are safe.
Indoor environments are the most hazardous places when it comes to COVID-19 contagion risk. The restaurant business in the post pandemic world requires to ensure your customers that your facilities are safe to dine in. As COVID-19 can be transmitted via aerosols – small droplets that can linger in the air for several hours – safe distancing is not enough; proper air exchange must be ensured. How can you know if the air quality is good? This is where Aranet comes in!
About Aranet4
It is a small, portable and battery powered sensor that measures carbon dioxide (CO2), temperature, relative humidity and atmospheric pressure.
Can also be mounted to a wall with a special anti-theft wall mount.
Has a Bluetooth app to connect to smart devices, allowing to show the readings on larger TV screens.
Why carbon dioxide should be monitored?
CO₂ is a gas that we exhale and it’s concentration indicates if the air exchange is sufficient. The Federation of European Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Associations (REHVA) recommends an air exchange rate of 60m³/h per person. This equates to 800ppm CO₂ concentration.
The Aranet4 solution for restaurants allows everyone to evaluate how safe it is to currently be indoors, and whether action should be taken to increase the air exchange.
Download the document here: COVID-19 Safety Solution for Cafes and Restaurants