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Introduction of a new cloud computing service to expand data analytics capabilities of IoT sensors and ensure continuity of service (SAF Aranet Cloud Analytic)

AS “SAF TEHNIKA” continues to implement Project Nr. NP-2021/4 “Introduction of a new cloud computing service to expand data analytics capabilities of IoT sensors and ensure continuity of service (SAF Aranet Cloud Analytic)”.

In the period from 19.09.2022 to 18.03.2023, part of the high-performance equipment providing the new service has been delivered: servers and server switches. Work continues on the development of an information system that will ensure expanded possibilities for receiving data.

Also, knowledge transfer activities from the project partner Norwegian company AutUP AS, which are related to the provision of the assessment of the new service, will continue.

The project is planned to be completed by 31 December 2023.

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