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Agriculture has been experiencing some important technological changes in the last 5 years. IoT technologies and wireless monitoring in greenhouses have contributed to providing much needed data for ag businesses to function with more precision and to make processes effective and profitable. Aranet newest client Bejo Tohumculuk Ltd., Turkey, are no strangers to innovation, but were facing some difficulties with data gathering from their vast network of greenhouses and plant nurseries.  


Bejo Tohumculuk Ltd. required monitoring of temperature and humidity in greenhouse territory. Until recently they had been using simple thermometers that were hung in each section of the greenhouse. The data collection was difficult and time consuming, since everything was done manually and the readings were not accurate enough. Metrics such as temperature and humidity can vary significantly even in a single greenhouse. It was challenging for the employees working on the site, because they had to wake up multiple times during the night to check the temperature.  



Customer chose to deploy Aranet PRO wireless monitoring base station with 5 wireless temperature & relative humidity, and 2 temperature probe sensors.  

“Aranet systems are very easy to use and install, the measurements of the sensors are precise and it’s a huge benefit that they are wireless. The use of the Aranet PRO software was a breeze and the function of data export to Excel was used for reporting purposes.” – Reports Haluk Atamal, Aranet solution partner for Bejo Tohumculuk Ltd. Project    


The strategically placed sensors were key element for 24/7 monitoring of growing conditions in plant nurseries. Centralized data gathering and Aranet PRO alert system played key role in detecting a temperature changes and employees could take action to stabilize conditions in greenhouses. Customizable notifications with adjustable thresholds empower farmers to respond to changing conditions as quickly as possible, without the lag time of manual data collection and analysis.  

“Another essential feature is the ability to use custom alarms, which helped us react in time and control the temperature during the cold winter nights.” – Volkan Çaylak , Bejo Tohumculuk Ltd.  


Key takeaways for wireless monitoring in greenhouses:  

• Saved time and improved work conditions for the employees with centralized data gathering;

• Be informed about the growing conditions 24/7 with real-time data monitoring;

• Have continuous overview of the crops and all strategic points of the greenhouse with portable, wireless sensors;

• Increased reading accuracy with Aranet sensors resulting in improved conditions in the greenhouse;

• Respond faster – client could receive immediate alerts and remedy problematic and potentially destructive conditions;

• Improve growth conditions over time by analyzing and identifying trends and optimizing greenhouse conditions;

• Easy installation allowed the customer to receive value data immediately – no long planning, no extra installation costs, no disruption of existing infrastructure  

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Download the case study here: Bejo Tohumculuk Ltd. case study

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