For Home For Pro


Product Type





Aranet Solar PS

Photovoltaic power supply for the Aranet PRO+ LTE base station


AC Power Adapter

No batteries required.


Aranet Weight sensor with frame leaflet

Weighing seedlings in trays reduces handling while improving measurement accuracy.


Aranet Case Study: Anthura BV welcomes a new precision weighing solution

Improving cultivation efficiency using the Aranet Weight sensor with frame.


Aranet System Quick Start Guide

Set up your Aranet system, pair sensors, and connect to Aranet Cloud by following this simple guide.


Aranet Solar PS battery and panel choice

This document will help you select the right battery and solar panel (SP) based for Aranet PRO Plus LTE base station powered by Aranet Solar PS.


Aranet2 Overview

Watch the video about Aranet2 – the wireless temperature and humidity logger with lab-grade precision.


Aranet Solar PS

Run your Aranet wireless monitoring system without connecting to the grid by going solar. This efficient photovoltaic energy supply means power for base stations wherever the sun shines.


Aranet particulate matter sensor overview

This sensor detects and measures a wide range of air pollutants: dust, smoke, mold, and others.


Video: Introducing the Aranet particulate matter sensor

Protect yourself from air pollution with our new Aranet particulate matter sensor. Watch the video to find out more.


Aranet wireless monitoring solutions for poultry farms

Aranet products improve poultry farming productivity and efficiency while saving resources.


Aranet IR plant temperature sensor overview

This infrared thermometer has an adjustable arm providing precise aiming for measuring plant temperatures at specific places for horticulture.


Case study: Aranet helps Anthura UV improve plant weighing processes

By using Aranet wireless weighing frames, Anthura UV gains valuable, plant-specific data while solving problems.


Smarter HVAC with Aranet wireless sensors

Implementing an HVAC sensor network enables real-time feedback and control, helping systems respond quickly to changing conditions and occupant needs.


Remote detection of an HVAC air filter condition

Aranet differential pressure sensors simplify knowing when to replace HVAC particle air filters.


Beating the energy crisis with Aranet

Rapidly evolving conditions in the world bring challenges to global energy markets, making it increasingly important to follow and optimize electricity consumption.


Aranet Stem diameter sensor overview

This sensor measures micro-variations in plant stem diameter for horticulture or other applications.


Aranet Soil sensor overview

This sensor measures volumetric water content, dielectric permittivity, and soil temperature.


Aranet PAR sensor overview

Photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) sensors measure the amount of light plants are able to use for growth.


How Supermarkets can operate smarter

Watch this new video on how Aranet solutions can optimize supermarket operations.


Aranet Energy Meter Kit

Track electricity flows to increase consumption efficiency and identify usage patterns.


Aranet Pre-Configuration Services

Save time and effort by having your Aranet wireless ecosystem preconfigured by our experts.


Supermarket Brochure

Wireless internet-of-things sensors are revolutionizing how modern supermarkets operate.


WHO Housing and Health Guidelines

Improved housing conditions can save lives, prevent disease, increase quality of life, reduce poverty, and help mitigate climate change


A Brief Guide to Mold, Moisture, and Your Home

EPA-certified information for homeowners and renters on how to clean and prevent mold.


Analysis: The Effects of CO2, Ventilation, and Volatile Organic Compounds on Cognitive Function

Office workers perform significantly better in well-ventilated and green+ environments.


Webinar: Aranet for horticulture by agronomy expert Andris Stuks

Learn from the agronomy expert Andris Stuks about how to achieve a 20 % yield increase by using Aranet wireless sensors.


How can Aranet Cloud improve your business?

Watch this short video about the benefits of using Aranet Cloud to organize and manage all the environmental data on your premises.


Aranet Cloud video series: 4. How to use the Aranet public CO2 monitor?

Find the answers to your questions about Aranet Cloud, practical tips & tricks, an introduction to new features, and more.


Aranet Software Alliance program

Aranet Software Alliance program partners are key to the Aranet IoT ecosystem. Become our partner and get benefits!

Case Study

Case study: Aranet helps La Française improve indoor air quality

A global asset management company La Française revamped its IAQ monitoring system with Aranet


(FR) Les capteurs Aranet

An overview of all our Aranet products (French translation)


Harvard Healthy Buildings Program’s “Impacts of Indoor Air Quality on Cognitive Function”

A global study shows significant ill effects of indoor air pollution on cognitive performance and brain health.


Aranet Cloud video series: 3. What are assets and how to use them?

Find the answers to your questions about Aranet Cloud, practical tips & tricks, an introduction to new features, and more.


(IT) Aranet solutions installed to monitor air quality in the Puecher Olivetti Institute in Rho

The Aranet solutions, used by Belimo at the school, monitors indoor air quality, indicating how healthy the shared environments are.


Aranet Cloud Series: 2. How to Set Up an Account on Aranet Cloud

Find the answers to your questions about Aranet Cloud, practical tips & tricks, an introduction to new features, and more.


Aranet Cloud Series: 1. What is Aranet Cloud?

Find the answers to your questions about Aranet Cloud, practical tips & tricks, an introduction to new features, and more.


Aranet4 App

Aranet4 App features and sensor pairing guide


(LV) Air quality in Rimi stores will be measured with Aranet sensors

Rimi, the leading food retailer in the Baltics, will now be measuring air quality with Aranet sensors


2021 – A Year for Fresh Air

A quick recap video of Aranet4 in 2021


Webinar: Opening Schools Safely With Aranet Air Quality Monitoring Solution

RF Wireless Data in collaboration with Aranet are present a free 30-minute webinar about COVID-19 and CO2 monitoring in schools to help protect students and staff from the virus


Case Study: Preventing COVID-19 in Schools with Aranet4 PRO

Check out this case study about Aranet4 PRO and how it is helping schools prevent COVID-19 infections


How Aranet4 Helps to Prevent the Spread of the Virus

Watch this to understand how Aranet4 help prevent the spread of COVID-19


Webinar: Indoor Airborne COVID-19 Risks – an Interview with Dr. Berger

Watch the recording of our webinar-interview with Dr.Berger about COVID-19 risks


Webinar: Everything Aranet Cloud

Watch this Aranet webinar from December 8th on everything Aranet Cloud

Case Study

Case study: Temperature and humidity monitoring for data centers

Read about Claritech's solution for monitoring temperature and humidity in data centers

Case Study

Case study: Precision beekeeping with wireless temperature monitoring

Learn how using Aranet wireless monitoring affected precision beekeeping


Webinar: How Measurements Can Facilitate a Safe Return to the Office

This "Back to the Office" webinar focuses on the importance of microclimate and employee body temperature measurements to ensure a safe return to the office in the pandemic environment


Case Study: Northern Europe’s Largest Egg Manufacturer Chooses Wireless Monitoring by Aranet

Watch this video about northern Europe's largest egg manufacturer, and their experience using Aranet

Case Study

Case study: Wireless Monitoring in Cleanrooms

Read about how The Institute of Solid-State Physics, University of Latvia, is using Aranet to monitor Cleanrooms

Case Study

Aranet PRO 100 test by TWS | Aranet broadest reach, simplest solutions!

Read up on the tests done by TWS for the Aranet PRO 100


Wireless Monitoring Solution for Poultry Industry

Watch the video to learn how Aranet wireless monitoring solution can help your poultry business grow


Case Study: Smart Greenhouse Monitoring Solution at Getlini EKO

Watch the video to learn how Getlini EKO improved their yearly yield by 20% using the Aranet wireless sensors


Exclusive Partnership Between Priva and Aranet

Priva and Aranet have signed for an exclusive partnership to make integrated wireless technology in greenhouses possible


Webinar: Wireless Body Temperature Mass-Monitoring Solution for Hospitals Battling COVID-19

Watch the webinar on Aranet wide-scale wireless medical thermometer solution designed especially for health care institutions battling COVID-19


Aranet4 – Innovative Wireless CO2 Monitoring Solution

Watch this video about Aranet4 – a device that monitors indoor air quality at home, school, or office and lets you know when ventilation is needed


Who Aranet is for?

Watch this video to find out more about which industries benefit from environmental monitoring


Indoor Air Pollution - Dangers of CO2 build-up in schools and offices

Watch this video about the dangerous effects of CO2 build-up indoors


Wireless monitoring for a greenhouse

A quick guide to wireless monitoring in your greenhouse


Forbes’ “Let’s Admit That Covid-19 Is Airborne — How Can You Protect Yourself?”

Read this Forbes article on how to protect yourself against Covid-19


Webinar: Protecting Against Airborne COVID-19 in Practice – Interview with Prof. Angelo Ciribini

Watch this Aranet webinar to learn about protecting against airborne COVID-19 in practice with Prof. Angelo Ciribini


Webinar: The Science of COVID-19 Aerosol Transmission An Interview with Dr. Jose-Luis Jimenez

Watch the webinar-interview with Dr. Jose-Luis Jimenez – a Professor of Chemistry and a Fellow of CIRES at the University of Colorado at Boulder


Webinar: Air Quality and Reducing COVID-19 Risks at Schools and Universities

Watch our webinar on air quality and how it affects the risks of COVID19 transmission in schools and universities.


Carbon Dioxide Levels Reflect COVID Risk

Read about how "CU Boulder duo confirms value of measuring carbon dioxide to estimate infection risk"


How are Aranet Sensors Made?

Check out this video to see how the Aranet sensors are made


Wireless Monitoring – How Does Aranet Work?

Learn about Aranet wireless sensor architecture and working principles


How to Reduce the Risk of COVID-19 Infection with Aranet4

A leaflet highlighting how Aranet4 can help you reduce the risk of COVID-19 infection


Aranet Platform Advantages

Check out our brochure that helps to answer the question "Why Aranet?"


Guidelines for greenhouse management

Here's everything you need to know about using Aranet in your greenhouse


Difference Between Aranet4 HOME and Aranet4 PRO

Check out our leaflet to understand the difference between our Aranet4 HOME and PRO


CO2 Business Case

Read about CO2 and productivity loss in the workplace


Cold Chain White Paper

A white paper that covers wireless monitoring for cold storage applications


Wireless Radio Signal Strength Report of the Aranet4 Sensor Unit by University of Tampere

Check out this report done on the Aranet4's sensor unit radio signal strength


Wireless Monitoring for Supermarket Applications White Paper

A brief guide to wireless monitoring with Aranet in Supermarkets


CO2 Greenhouse White Paper

CO2 monitoring with Aranet for Greenhouse Applications


Aranet4 COVID-19 Safety Solution for Cafes and Restaurants

Find out about the Aranet4 solution for restaurants and cafes; it allows everyone to evaluate how safe it is to currently be indoors, and whether action should be taken to increase the air exchange


How to Achieve 20% Yield Increase with Aranet Wireless Technologies

Read about how Aranet can help you increase your yield up to 20%


Aranet Product Overview

An overview of all our Aranet products


CO2 Monitoring in the Classroom (US version)

A guide to monitoring CO2 levels in classrooms, US version


CO2 Monitoring in the Classroom (EU version)

A guide to monitoring CO2 levels in the classroom, EU version


What Does Aranet4 Measure?

Read this leaflet to gain a better understanding of what Aranet4 measures


Aranet4 COVID-19 Safety Solution for Gyms

Check out this leaflet on our safety solutions for gyms


Aranet for Building Management

Check out our leaflet on the wide range of sensors we offer for building management


WHO Housing and health guidelines

World Health Organizations guidelines to a healthy house


A Harvard study on the cognitive effects of carbon dioxide indoors

"Associations of Cognitive Function Scores with Carbon Dioxide, Ventilation, and Volatile Organic Compound Exposures in Office Workers: A Controlled Exposure Study of Green and Convential Office Envrionments"


A Brief Guide to Mold, Moisture, and Your Home

A guide made by the United States Environmental Protection Agency discussing everything about mold in your home


Architectural Digest’s “The 12 Best New Technologies For The New Year”

Aranet4 is described as “the most innovative, easy-to-use air quality monitor on the market”


The Age’s “The latest handbag accessory? The rise of carbon dioxide monitors”

Aranet4 is featured in The Age's article discussing the recent boost of CO2 monitors


Kaatscat podcast episode "CO2 and Indoor Air Quality"

Aranet4 featured in Kaatscat's podcast episode discussing the connection between CO2 measuring and the probability of infection with airborne diseases


The New York Times’ “The hot new back to school accessory? Air quality monitors”

Aranet4 is featured in The New York Times article about parents sending their children to school with CO2 monitoring devices.


ABC News' "Portable CO2 meters could be used to help fight coronavirus transmission, experts say"

Aranet4 is featured in ABC News' article discussing advantages to monitoring CO2 levels whilst living in a pandemic


The Verge's video "How CO2 sensors might help us return to ‘normal’"

The Verge Science Team explains how simple CO2 monitoring can be with a device like the Aranet4, and how it can help prevent the spread of COVID-19


Aranet4 featured on NBC 7 San Diego

NBC 7 San Diego covers how CO2 monitors can be a part of fighting coronavirus indoors


The Washington Post’s “The coronavirus is airborne. Here’s how to know if you’re breathing other people’s breath”

The Washington Post features Aranet4 in their article about monitoring CO2 levels to help prevent the spread of coronavirus


Aranet4 featured on CNN

CNN's Don Lemon features Aranet4 when discussing how to gather safely during the pandemic

Case Study

Case study: Preventing COVID-19 in Schools with Aranet4 PRO

Read this case study about how the city of Ventspils used Aranet devices to help prevent COVID-19 in schools

Case Study

Case study: Aranet4 helps theaters stay open through the pandemic

How installing Aranet Wireless monitoring sensors helped Valmiera Drama Theatre stay open

Case Study

Case study: Temperature monitoring for supermarkets and grocery stores

Read up on this case study done on temperature monitoring for supermarkets

Case Study

Case study: Wireless monitoring in Getliņi greenhouse

A case study done on how wireless monitoring with Aranet affected Getliņi greenhouse

Case Study

Case study: Aranet Wireless Monitoring Solution for Poultry Farms

Read up on this case study about how poultry farms benefit from wireless monitoring.

Case Study

Case study: Wireless Monitoring in Pig Farms

A case study on the solution to increased levels of ammonia gas (NH₃) in pig farms

Case Study

Case study: Aranet4 Helps to Mitigate COVID-19 Risks in a School in Milan

A case study following a primary school in Milan, and the measures they took to ensure a safe return to school

Case Study

Case study: Wireless Temperature Monitoring for Energy Efficiency Optimization

Read about Jelgavas City Council solution to optimizing energy efficiency with wireless temperature monitoring

Case Study

Case study: Indoor air quality monitoring solution for Dr. Natuk Birkan school

Check out this case study about Dr. Natuk Birkan school and their air quality monitoring solution

Case Study

Case study: Bejo Tohomculuk LTD. embraces wireless monitoring in greenhouses

Read about this case study about Bejo Tohomculuk LTD. and their experience with wireless monitoring with Aranet in greenhouses

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