For Home For Pro

Aranet invites you to the webinar “From Climate Insights to Plant Responses to Growers Actions” with Andris Stuks from Synergy Solutions. This event, on Wednesday, April 24, 2024, at 6 PM Riga time (EEST, UTC+3), focuses on the impact of data-driven decisions, climate monitoring, and innovative solutions for enhancing agricultural efficiency.

Date: April 24, 2024, 6 PM Riga time (EEST, UTC+3)
Location: Online

Register for the webinar

During the webinar, Andris Stuks will cover the following topics:

  • The importance of measurements and making data-driven decisions
  • Aspects of climate monitoring, including temperature distribution in the greenhouse and its impact on fruit growth
  • Solutions for tracking biomass gain and plant weight
  • The role of electrical conductivity (EC) and irrigation in biomass gain
  • Additional important considerations in greenhouse monitoring.

The webinar is a must for anyone in the agricultural sector looking to adopt sustainable practices. 


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