(C) SAF Tehnika JS   * Introduction * Aranet PRO/PRO Plus/PRO Plus LTE Firmware upgrade * Firmware upgrading instructions * Troubleshooting   ****************************** Introduction   Thank you for purchasing and using Aranet base station! All Aranet PRO/PRO Plus/PRO Plus LTE base stations include embedded local webserver Aranet SensorHUB. Easy to use interface allows viewing, analyzing, and comparing data in real time, setting thresholds for alarms as well as exporting reports. Responsive design of the software adapts to smartphone, tablet, or laptop.   ****************************** Firmware upgrade   To ensure a better stability and getting all enhancements manufacturer recommends upgrading Aranet base staion embedded software (firmware) to the latest available version. The latest available for download firmware file can be found on https://aranet.com/downloads.   ****************************** Firmware upgrading manually instructions   1. Download the firmware zip packed archive file at https://aranet.com/downloads to your computer. 2. Unpack zip archive to the folder you are able to access. Zip achvive contains:     - Firmware file named "AranetProUpgrade-vX.Y.Z.tar.gz"     - This README.txt file     Don't change file name! 3. Turn On Aranet base and wait for system to load. 4. Login to Aranet base web-interface as user having Administrator rights. 5. Navigate to SYSTEM menu and select FIRMWARE tab. 6. Click on CHOSE FIRMWARE FILE button. 7. In the opened window find the folder where you unpacked the firmware file, select this file and click "Open" button. 8. Enter Administrator password when asked and press OK. 9. File uploading process will start. 10. When uploading and installing process is finished, notificating message is displayed and device reboots. 11. Wait about 2 minutes and reload browser window. 12. Navigate to SYSTEM menu, FIRMWARE tab and check firmware version.   ***************************** Troubleshooting   If firmware upgrade fails, check the firmware file name and extention:     - File name must be "AranetProUpgrade-vX.Y.Z", where X.Y.Z is the version number;     - File extension must be ".tar.gz". Some archivator software tends to unpack all available archive levels of the file. Switch off this archiver's feature to leave archived .gz file untouched. For example, MacOS users should deselect "Keep expanding if possible" feature of built-in archivator.   If nothing helps, contact support@aranet.com.     ***************************** v4.4.4 changelog New feature: * Pulse counter conversion offset - possibility to input the current meter value to apply an offset to the converted value Improvements: * Minor changes in BACnet EDE file content ***************************** v4.3.9 changelog: Integrations: * Removed unnecessary reinitialization for BACnet server on Failover script execution * BACnet fix for missing measurements * BACnet fix for "battCharge" replacement with "battery" Networking: * Fix network failover to reduce LTE traffic webGUI: * Fix for DIAGNOSTICS data download on base station without Internet connection ***************************** v4.3.7 changelog:    Integrations: * Fix Modbus colliding sensor offset re-assignment in the auto-generated layout file. Non-existing sensors are now removed from the file. * Fix Modbus auto-generated layout file address overwrite correction for existing sensors    Networking: * Fix network failover when Ethernet is disconnected ***************************** v4.3.2 changelog: Integrations: * Modbus auto-generated JSON file now contains sensor "name" and "group name" info * MQTT integration compatibility with Azure Event Grid Networking: * Added network interface failover in case of lost connectivity LTE: * Blocked SIM PIN recovery with PUK code added ***************************** v4.2.5 changelog:    Integrations: * Derived measurement dimension and unit configuration is passed to all Integrations cache and updated on user-initiated sensor configuration changes * MQTT "name" field issue eliminated LTE (Aranet PRO Plus LTE base only): * Modem management improvement webGUI: * Few User Interface pages esthetics change Known issue: ! Internet connection is not switching to LTE automatically when existing WiFi or Ethernet configured connection drops. ***************************** v4.1.3 changelog: Cloud base management: * Support remote sensor pairing from Aranet Cloud * Support license management from Aranet Cloud * Block web UI while management session is active MQTT: * Allow leading forward-slash ("/") in root topic Licenses: * License slots increased from 5 to 10 * The integration license's timer is paused when integration is disabled Known issue: ! Internet connection is not switching to LTE automatically when existing WiFi or Ethernet configured connection drops. ***************************** v4.0.2 changelog: Soil moisture sensors: * Use improved Hilhorst pore water electric conductivity preset by default for newly paired sensors. LTE: * Roaming support * Improved stability BACnet: * After the system boots, the 'Reliability' property for measurement objects is set to 'Communication failure' until measurements have been received. Known issue: ! Internet connection is not switching to LTE automatically when existing WiFi or Ethernet configured connection drops. ***************************** v4.0.0 changelog:    Cloud base management * Firmware update initiation from Aranet Cloud Known issue: ! Internet connection is not switching to LTE automatically when existing WiFi or Ethernet configured connection drops. ***************************** v3.5.3 changelog: * BACnet IP integration added Known issue: ! Internet connection is not switching to LTE automatically when existing WiFi or Ethernet configured connection drops. ***************************** v.3.4.7 changelog: * T, PEC & VWC thresholds added to soil moisture sensors. * Sensor pairing stability improvements. * MQTT - added Keep alive configuration setting. * AS1 (Japan) region support added. * LTE modem status displayed in web UI * Aranet2 support added Known issue: ! Internet connection is not switching to LTE automatically when existing WiFi or Ethernet configured connection drops. ***************************** v3.3.6 Changelog: Modbus * Fix for received message counter used for server activity diagnostics ***************************** v.3.3.4 Changelog Licences * Multiple simultaneously active timed licences now supported MQTT * Root topic length limit raised to 100 characters Aranet Cloud * Reduced traffic: as few as 1 GB montly traffic for the base station with 50 Aranet4 sensors paired at 1 min. interval ***************************** v.3.2.5 Hotfixes:  * Hardware WatchDog improvements ***************************** v.3.2.4 Changelog:    Sensors      * New sensors support         * CO2 IP20 sensor         * WET150 tarnsmitter          * Teros 12 Transmitter      * Soil sensor "Cocos or peat" and "Soilless media" profiles added to VWC sensor configuration    Modbus TCP     * Added Read sensor's loss status (RSSI alarm) using Modbus function "Read Input Status" (code: 2) from Discrete inputs.     * Minor bugs fixed   ***************************** v3.1.7 Hotfixes:   * Fix measurement conversion configuration display   ***************************** v3.1.6 Changelog:   MQTT     * JSON messaging profile now contains sensor alarms   Modbus TCP     * Basic Modbus TCP protocol support (requires licence)   Sensors     * PM sensor       * Added PM1 metric to sensor list view and added PM1 thresholds.     * VWC, EC, T sensor       * Updated VWC formula, introduced new presets, PEC formula configuration and comment field for custom presets.   Backup     * Backup will now be automatically uploaded to the Aranet Cloud (for registered devices). This upload can also be performed manually from the System/Backup page.   ***************************** v3.1.6 Breaking changes:   * PIN disable removed from System/Notifications/SMS page   ***************************** v3.0.7 Changelog:   Semi-automatic firmware upgrade functionality   MQTT:     Sensor support:     * Support for mains powered sensors       * 0-10V transmitter       * 4-20mA transmitter     * Support for particulate matter sensor   Measurement conversion:     * Added radioactivity and PPFD to convertable metrics   ****************************  v3.0.7 Breaking changes:   * Removed virtual sensors