For Home For Pro

Measure where it is needed!

Install wireless sensors all around the greenhouse without lengthy wires

Identify issues sooner

Improve your yield by detecting deviations early on

Adapt to your needs

Scale your fleet as your business grows without the need for extra support

Navigate through horticulture challenges with Aranet

Track the environment in a greenhouse

Monitor the greenhouse ambient conditions by measuring critical parameters like temperature, relative humidity, PAR light levels, and CO2 concentration. Aranet's innovative T/RH sensor is designed to provide accurate measurements even when exposed to direct sunlight.

Monitor the growth processes of plants

Aranet provides solutions to monitor plant growth responses to environmental changes. Evaluate Vapor Pressure Deficit (VPD) and study plant responses to changing conditions. Optimize plant growth and yield with Aranet's weighting solutions, tracking biomass increase, plant weight, water addition, drainage weight, and more.

Know what happens in the root zone

Utilize data on volumetric water content and electrical conductivity in the substrate to make data-based decisions about irrigation and salinity management. Analyzing drainage water measurements provides insights into irrigation efficiency.

Centralized access for all greenhouse data

All greenhouse data in one platform. Utilize Aranet Cloud to monitor the environment in one or several greenhouses - analyze, compare, and make data-driven decisions about ventilation, lighting, irrigation, and other critical conditions.

Don't have time to visit our stand at HortiContact?

Reach out to us and discover whether Aranet greenhouse monitoring solutions are right for you! We're here to provide all the information you need.

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